Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Ballynafeigh May Rapidplay results

Tuesday 22nd May saw the first in a summer series of rapidplay tournaments at Ballynafeigh Chess Club. A strong field included Michael Waters, Stephen Scannell, Eamonn Walls and Gareth Annesley, but there were shocks from an early stage and in the end Damien Lavery and Desmond Moreland rose to the top. The latter two won their first four games before drawing with each other in the fifth and final round. Lavery took first prize on tie-break. Grading prizes went to Ballynafeigh pied-piper Damien Cunningham and Mohamed Saad.

Final Crosstable
No Name                  Total  1    2    3    4    5   Prize

1 Damien Lavery 4.5 17:W 5:W 3:W 10:W 2:D First
2 Desmond Moreland 4.5 13:W 15:W 6:W 7:W 1:D Second
3 Gareth Annesley 4 9:W 11:W 1:L 14:W 8:W
4 Eamonn Walls 4 14:L 21:W 18:W 6:W 7:W
5 Stephen Scannell 3.5 18:W 1:L 11:D 12:W 15:W
6 Damien Cunningham 3 12:W 8:W 2:L 4:L 11:W Under 1800 Grading
7 Danny Mallaghan 3 21:W 16:W 14:W 2:L 4:L
8 Calum Leitch 3 19:W 6:L 9:W 15:W 3:L
9 David Conlon 3 3:L 17:W 8:L 20:W 16:W
10 John Bradley 3 16:L 20:W 22:W 1:L 14:W
11 Ian Woodfield 2.5 22:W 3:L 5:D 13:W 6:L
12 Michael Waters 2.5 6:L 13:D 21:W 5:L 19:W
13 Mohamed Saad 2.5 2:L 12:D 23:W 11:L 20:W Under 1400 Grading
14 Karina Kruk 2 4:W 23:W 7:L 3:L 10:L
15 Sam Flanagan 2 20:W 2:L 16:W 8:L 5:L
16 Robert Lavery 2 10:W 7:L 15:L 18:W 9:L
17 Paul Anderson 2 1:L 9:L 19:L 0:W 22:W
18 Paul McLoughlin 2 5:L 19:W 4:L 16:L 23:W
19 Chris Armstrong 2 8:L 18:L 17:W 22:W 12:L
20 Adrian Dornford-Smyth 1 15:L 10:L 0:W 9:L 13:L
21 Martin Kelly 1 7:L 4:L 12:L 23:W 0:-
22 Ram Rajan 1 11:L 0:W 10:L 19:L 17:L
23 Paul Adamson .5 0:D 14:L 13:L 21:L 18:L

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Rapidplay at Ballynafeigh

Ballynafeigh Chess Club are running some rapidplay tournaments over the summer at their clubroom on Tuesday evenings. Planned schedule is to have one a month. Damien Cunningham has modestly christened this addition to the local chess calendar as the Ballynafeigh Super Series.

I'm going to be controlling at the first one on Tuesday 22nd May. There will be five rounds, 15 minutes each player per game. Players need to be there by 7.30 pm and the whole thing should be wrapped up by 11.00pm. I'm reliably informed places are going fast and there's already a good field entered for the series opener, so if you're thinking of playing get in touch pronto with Damien - his contact details are at the Ballynafeigh CC website.